Take a moment to review your past-due Accounts from the past year... If you have unresolved accounts on your books, we can help recover additional revenue quickly and in a very professional manner.
If you own a Boxing, Mixed Martial Arts, Karate, Kickboxing, or, Jiu Jitsu School you probably already know that you have very few options available to you when trying to communicate with past-due students. You can't possibly have enough time to pick up the phone and speak with all of your past-due members, plus you should look to experts in compliance and customer service to assist you.
Studying a Martial Art is a huge commitment by both the instructor and student, and even though you as the owner/instructor have dedicated your life to teaching martial arts, some students are unable to make the same long-term commitment to training.
MMA Schools typically offer Term Contracts, and have the right to be paid based on the terms of the membership agreement. Managing a Martial Arts School is extremely costly for the Owner and every single loss in revenue impacts the schools bottom-line significantly.
There are wonderful Companies out there offering software, payment processing, collections, and more, but the only nationally accredited Collection Agency handling late-stage collections (accounts aged past 90 days) is First Credit Services.
First Credit Services works with thousands of fitness clients across the country, and fully understands the ins and outs of collecting membership contracts for all types of fitness businesses.
Developing Clear and Concise Collection Agency Policies are extremely important items to consider for most Mixed Martial Art Schools.
Learn more at e-mail me at wjackson@fcsbpo.com
First Credit Services already partners with Software Companies, ASF Payment Solutions, Member Solutions, Money Movers, Mindbody, and more.
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